ARTSTHREAD speak with Deborah Parkes, co-founder of Clayhill Arts, about the importance of Lifelong Learning.
Clayhill Arts was founded by Deborah and Michael Parkes and is a residential art school in Somerset SouthWest England, committed to life-long learning for those in the arts sector. Working with leading artists and creative professionals, Clayhill Arts runs a programme of courses and masterclasses designed to support participants as they grow their practice.
Interested in a career as an artist? ARTS THREAD’s career education specialist and digital editor Jacqui Rudd has lots of advice and tips on how to become an artist as part of ARTSTHREAD’s Creative Career Guides Series.
The visual arts is limitless in its potential with various disciplines to be utilised in an artists practice, including painting, drawing, printmaking, traditional craft skills, design, photography and film. When you become a professional artist you are also starting a business and will work with several stakeholders including galleries, clients and collaborators.
If your values and interests are directing your career towards work within charities, the flexibility of freelancing is still an option available to you. However, finding freelance work within the third sector can be challenging and takes a slightly different approach to seek freelance work within the private sector. So, how can you establish yourself as a thriving freelancer in the charity world?
ARTS THREAD’s career education specialist and digital editor Jacqui Rudd’s guide to how to create a more intuitive method of self-employed work to prevent burnout when you're self-employed, including strategies to help while you combat and recover from burnout.
The most recommended treatment for burnout is to take a break and reduce your stress levels to help you recover. But how do you avoid and combat burnout when you’re self-employed and can’t stop working?
Grant funders want to fund projects, it’s their job, however, they want the grants to go to professional and eligible applicants whose projects have the best probability for success. So the trick to making sure your application is successful is to put the time into it and do the preparatory work, so you demonstrate exactly how you will utilise their grant and succeed.
Thinking about writing an art grant proposal to get funding for your work? This guide by ARTS THREAD’s career education specialist and digital editor Jacqui Rudd’s will talk you through when to apply for a grant and how to write your proposal and other vital things to consider along the way.