Business Start Up

How to Become a Jewellery Designer - ARTSTHREAD Creative Career Guide

Categories: Business Start Up   |   Creative Careers   |   Career Guides
Interested in a career in jewellery? ARTS THREAD’s career education specialist and digital editor Jacqui Rudd has lots of advice and tips on how to become a professional jeweller as part of ARTSTHREAD’s Creative Career Guides Series. A jeweller designs and creates pieces of jewellery to be made individually or produced as a collection by themselves or by other craft workers. Jewellers will use multiple different metals to make jewellery, such as silver, gold or palladium, and other materials such as polymer clays, resins, wood or glass. This is a diverse craft that produces jewellery pieces in line with fashion trends and also crosses creative boundaries as wearable artwork and installations.  

Creating a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Categories: Practical Guides   |   Business Start Up   |   Online Promotion
Crowdfunding can be a great way to raise money by pitching, for investment or donations, to a virtual crowd of people, or organisations through posting details of your project, business or idea. ARTS THREAD’s career education specialist and digital editor Jacqui Rudd’s guide to how to write a crowdfunding pitch and 9 steps to a successful campaign.


Categories: Practical Guides   |   Business Start Up   |   Career Advice
Grant funders want to fund projects, it’s their job, however, they want the grants to go to professional and eligible applicants whose projects have the best probability for success. So the trick to making sure your application is successful is to put the time into it and do the preparatory work, so you demonstrate exactly how you will utilise their grant and succeed. Thinking about writing an art grant proposal to get funding for your work? This guide by ARTS THREAD’s career education specialist and digital editor Jacqui Rudd’s will talk you through when to apply for a grant and how to write your proposal and other vital things to consider along the way.

The strategic benefits of skills sharing

Categories: Practical Guides   |   Business Start Up   |   Career Advice   |  
Skills sharing is an informal learning setting where you are both the teacher and the student; an exchange of knowledge that benefits and upskills both the teacher and student as each person involved plays both roles. This exchange of knowledge makes learning a new skill less daunting, more affordable and more accessible. ARTS THREAD’s career education specialist and digital editor Jacqui Rudd’s guide to the benefits of skills sharing and how to utilise skills sharing to strategically benefit your career and/or business development.

How To Start A Newsletter

Categories: Practical Guides   |   Business Start Up   |  
Newsletters are a brilliant way to build and retain relationships with customers and potential customers. An email allows you to write more in more detail than within social posts, it helps people to know, like and trust you and to let them know that you appreciate them supporting your business. Starting a newsletter can be a surprisingly effective way to promote yourself as well as being easy and cheap to produce. ARTS THREAD’s career education specialist and digital editor Jacqui Rudd’s guide to how to start a newsletter.
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