Arts Thread

Noy Salmy


Specialisms: Casual/Streetwear / Menswear / Apparel

Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

noy-salmy ArtsThread Profile

Noy Salmy

Noy Salmy ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Noy

Last Name: Salmy

Specialisms: Casual/Streetwear / Menswear / Apparel


My Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

University / College: Shenkar

Course / Program Title: FASHION DESIGN BA


Design is my way of expressing myself, my thoughts, and my curiosity. Inspiration comes from within, often sparked by an emotion or a thought, driven by a passion for understanding our mental world. I work seamlessly across both physical and digital dimensions, finding joy in intertwining them to create unique and compelling designs.

When going on a virtual camping trip, be sure to dress accordingly.

In an era dominated by rapid technological advancements and the creation of imagined virtual realities, my project seeks to pause and emphasize the importance of physical and tangible experiences over virtual ones. I compare the 'domestic vagabond,' who exists through screens and appears omnipresent but ultimately craves the comforts of home, to the historical, romantic cross-continental vagabond, a world explorer who carries all his possessions on his back. How does one dress in a world of intangible experiences, where weather conditions are irrelevant and destinations are uncertain or non-existent? What happens to practical objects when they lose their meaning? By combining elements from the world of travel, I create a satirical interpretation of the loss of context for functional objects in their virtual existence. Objects have an extraordinary ability to act as conduits for our memories, storing scents and colors that cannot be traced and should be cherished. This collection invites viewers to reflect on the irreplaceable value of physical experiences and the profound connections we form with the tangible world.

I find immense inspiration in movies and series that explore the possibilities of the future. I hold great admiration for the visionaries in the world of filmmaking, including directors, producers, and creators, who craft alternate realities through their use of setting, fashion, and character design. These visionary storytellers paint a canvas distinct from our familiar reality, often striving to provide glimpses into what our world might become when we are no longer part of it. In an era where artificial intelligence is taking bold steps forward, introducing us to entities that blend elements from the realm of science fiction – from cyborgs to creatures born from the wildest imaginations, and novel connections forged between humanity and machines – I am thoroughly captivated. These are subjects that not only pique my curiosity but also encourage me to contemplate the future of our human journey. It is from this wellspring of fascination that my venture into tailoring design began. In my quest to encapsulate a sense of physical armor, one that mirrors the balance between strength and vulnerability inherent in the human form, I meticulously selected my materials. Wool, leather, and silicone serve as my chosen tools, allowing me to craft a sheath that gently molds the body, emphasizing both protection and fragility in equal measure.

My inspiration comes from exploring the experience of the "ordinary" individual in a vast world full of opportunities. Globalization allows us to reach across the globe instantly, but it also creates a complex reality where we often feel small and miss out on much, revealing how little we truly understand. This theme is succinctly expressed in "Fight Club" and "Mr. Robot." Both reflect our era's subconscious, depicting personal journeys with social commentary. They show how the average person feels trapped by the false narrative that job success and economic status define happiness— a deception by large corporations. When overwhelmed, we repress our feelings, which surface in our subconscious. Elliot from "Mr. Robot" exemplifies this with his split. personality and social anxiety, a result of his rage against an unfair world and traumas, leading him to create an alter ego. Both the series and the film carry an underground spirit of liberation. Characters feeling alienated in a city like New York find the subway—a symbol of the subconscious-forcing them to choose a path, creating a sense of freedom from judgment. "Logic and order are a thin veil over a chaotic world."

My number one priority when approaching this matter is to raise awareness of the damages of the fashion industry today and to point the finger at the fast fashion industry. I intend to Challenge fashion hierarchies, in order to disrupt the existing orders. I believe that the economic aspect and basically the capitalist society dictates the destructive and predatory effect embodied in the fashion industry today and that to create a true difference we must resist it We live in a time of awakening. The foundation stones for building a post-capitalist society have already been laid before us and it is our time and responsibility as a society to promote them. . I am taking action by disrupting the existing order by using my portrait as a form of protest against The environmental damage produced by the fashion industry. I decided to use existing materials only in my project because I wanted to show that there are ways we can reduce our impact on the environment without sacrificing quality or style. I intend to use torn parachutes, instead of them being thrown away after they have served their purpose, old pairs of denim- one of the most piloting materials there are in the fashion and textile industry to raise awareness and leftovers pieces of fabric from a factory that had to be shot down. My goal is to create a new generation of protesters who will make their voices heard through their protest attire: apocalyptically stylish uniforms with messages printed on them in protest against environmental damage caused by unsustainable fashion practices.

Sometimes, in the absence of the ability to accommodate, we repress. That repression finds a place in our subconscious What would we discover if we only let our dreams tell us what is going on beneath the surface? Maybe we will be able to see better with our eyes closed.