Goldsmiths University of London
Specialisms: Design and Technology / Design for Social Good / Installation/Sculpture
Location: London, United Kingdom
First Name: Yanran
Last Name: Wang
Specialisms: Design and Technology / Design for Social Good / Installation/Sculpture
My Location: London, United Kingdom
University / College: Goldsmiths University of London
Course / Program Title: Design BA Hons
Yanran Wang is a designer with a passion for contextual exploration, seeking Real and Existence through expression. She operates as a communicator and connector in various social and cultural spheres, criticising and speculating in contexts.
The project demonstrates possibilities beyond humans by transforming and translating the senses of fruit flies so that humans can experience the world that other species live in. The project has two parts, Sweetness Chime and Giant apple. Giant apple shows what an apple looks like when seen through the eyes of a fruit fly at true scale and colour. Sweetness Chime convert the sugar content of different fruits and vegetables into sound, allowing humans to experience how fruit flies perceive environmental information. Visitors can stand in the table centre of Sweetness Chime make their own music by knocking on different bottles, which represent different fruits or vegs. By converting the different fruits or vegs’s sugar content to the bottles’s CO2 content to changed air pressures, the higher the sound, and the sweeter the fruits and vegs represented. This method translates the fruit fly’s sense of smell into human hearing. All images in the project simulate the visible colour range of fruit flies, the processing of image pixelation is a mimicry of the Drosophila compound eye presentation. By converting apple, human, and fruit fly size data, Giant apple’s image presented is the surface of an apple in fruit fly eyes in real scale. This translates fruit flies vision into human vision. When visitors play with this project, their behaviour is just like a fruit fly lingering in people’s kitchen, landing on the surface of an apple, looking for a safe and sweet place to live. By seeing what fruit flies see, and doing what fruit flies do, this experience could let human beings feel what fruit flies might feel. Project through interdisciplinary understanding, engages visitors in a fun, educational way, enhancing awareness of sensory diversity. Encourage thinking beyond human-centric design, showcasing innovative uses of scientific data in art.