Arts Thread

Ayshin Jalil Zadeh
Jewellery and Objects ba hons

Birmingham City University

Graduates: 2023

Specialisms: Jewelry

My location: Birmingham, United Kingdom

ayshin-jalil-zadeh ArtsThread Profile
Birmingham City University

Silk Road


Public Vote Jewelry

Silk road collection is a mesmerizing fusion of elegance and innovation in the world of jewellery. Crafted meticulously with a blend of metal and handwoven silk Persian carpets, this collection showcases the harmony between deconstructivist architecture and rich Persian culture. Some of the pieces features intricate chasing motifs, encapsulating the essence of tradition while embracing modern design elements. The Silk Road Collection is an embodiment of the past and present, a tribute to the marriage of artistic heritage and contemporary aesthetics, creating a truly unique and captivating jewelry experience.