Arts Thread

Nir Neria
Industrial Design BDes

Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem

Graduates: 2023

Specialisms: Industrial Design / Material Innovation / Textiles

My location: Jerusalem, Israel

nir-neria ArtsThread Profile
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem

Nir Neria

nir-neria ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Nir

Last Name: Neria

University / College: Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem

Course / Program: Industrial Design BDes

Graduates: 2023

Specialisms: Industrial Design / Material Innovation / Textiles

My Location: Jerusalem, Israel

Website: Click To See Website


I design and execute while emphasising on details, aesthetics and functionality. Nature is my inspiration, combining crafts and technology fascinates me.

forma fabrica: Innovative reusable fabric molds for slipcasting

Forma Fabrica is a novel technique of slip casting porcelain in custom made reusable fabric molds. The method incorporates computer design and modelling of the ceramicware and the fabric mold while allowing customization and modularity. The fabric molds are reusable and create a unique subtle form of every vessel casted. The technique also allows the implementation of color and texture by using the fabric as a medium. After the vessel is extracted from the mold, the fabric separates from the porcelain and the vessel is fired.