HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design
Graduates: 2024
Specialisms: Art Performance / Event Management / Sound Art
My location: Stuttgart, Germany
First Name: Maren
Last Name: Wolf
University / College: HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design
Course / Program: Design MFA
Graduates: 2024
Specialisms: Art Performance / Event Management / Sound Art
My Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Dwelling In The Dark is a practice-based artistic research exploration of the transformative potential of live action role play (larp). The work is embedded in discourses around the crisis of imagination, climate change, deep time, the unknown, collective storytelling and play. Leaning on sentient dialogues of becoming-with and becoming-other, this project is meant to build communities who cultivate ecological imaginations that may undo the linear states of being in this world. This journey is approached through an investigation in and with the participatory arts exploring moments of dance, sensory movement, meditation, play, deep listening and myth-making. The project finds its translation in a designed roleplaying experience that embraces uncertainty and communes with the more-than-human world. I aim to spark a conversation within the practices of design and arts about new forms of world-building, language-building and relationship-building through play, for the significance of this research lies in its recognition of playfulness and collective story-making as a catalyst for change. Dwelling In The Dark is a story about darkness and love: How grief and hope can coexist.