Arts Thread

varnika Kundu
Industrial Design MID

Pratt School of Design

Specialisms: Industrial Design / Design for Social Good / Design Research

Location: New York, United States

varnika-kundu ArtsThread Profile
Pratt School of Design

varnika Kundu

varnika Kundu ArtsThread Profile

First Name: varnika

Last Name: Kundu

Specialisms: Industrial Design / Design for Social Good / Design Research

Sectors: Product / Architecture / Interiors / Product / Architecture / Interiors / Product / Architecture / Interiors

My Location: New York, United States

University / College: Pratt School of Design

Course / Program Title: Industrial Design MID


Varnika Kundu is a highly skilled and technical User Experience designer who operates out of both the US and India. Her work spans the intersection between product design and multi-sensory prototypes using emerging technologies. Her deep understanding of design principles and aesthetics is evident in the successful launch of numerous products and experiences, which have received widespread acclaim.

How can design help those who can't smell navigate an odorless reality? Anora is a cross-modal toolkit comprising a mobile app paired with a family of beautiful lighting fixtures for the home that sense dangerous gasses for you if you don’t have the ability to smell known as anosmia. Anora talks to you via audio-visual signals that are drawn from existing sensory associations such as taste-color and odor-color to unite a smelling experience to the anosmic one. The use of odorants as a safety measure in gas leaks is a prominent example of not only the role of scent in life-threatening situations but also, the exclusion of anosmics from its design. Made for an odorless reality, Anora aims to resolve smell related dangers and spread awareness about a relatively unknown and consequently misunderstood sensory impairment. The interlinked system draws safety limits from gas sensor data, translates it into audio-visual cues, and may be customized for each room to provide a sense of safety, social inclusion, and better quality of life. Anora proposes methods on designing products that enhance sensory awareness instead of eliminating them, and to visualize the invisible in a thought provoking and conversation sparking form.