Middlesex University
Specialisms: Sustainable Fashion/Textiles / Fine Art / Textiles for Fashion
Location: London, United Kingdom
First Name: Ruth
Last Name: mcgrath
Specialisms: Sustainable Fashion/Textiles / Fine Art / Textiles for Fashion
Sectors: Digital/Visual Communication/Film / Fashion/Textiles/Accessories / Fashion/Textiles/Accessories
My Location: London, United Kingdom
University / College: Middlesex University
Course / Program Title: Fashion Textiles BA Hons
I am excited to continue working and creating within Art and Design spaces where I can incorporate my aesthetic expertise and creative mindset, while simultaneously learning greatly from, and helping the team I am reporting to. Having studied and interned in Fashion, Fine Art and Textiles based spaces for 7 years I feel confident in various ways of working, however, I am aware that there is so much more for me to learn - which is extremely exciting. I am expressive, articulate and inquisitive when it comes to analysing work and discussing critically and creatively. Being open minded comes naturally to me, as much as I have my own opinions I am very flexible and I can easily understand other peoples viewpoints and find it intriguing to look at concepts from different angles. I have a fresh and forward way of thinking and adore unique, eclectic and experimental art and fashion pieces.
University Final Major Project - This series is my diary, my own visual storyline shown through sculptural textiles. My focus has been to highlight and document personal and mundane moments of my life, as I am passionate towards disregarded or average objects as well as concepts; bus tickets, people telling me i'm nosey, used scratch cards, broken headbands and my uncles face, they all trigger some kind of nostalgia inside of me, whether this is a fantasy or a real experience. The process of their making is not a straight line but a constant cycle as I am never fully sure of what my ideas will produce and I enjoy to mix things up. I use my writing, collected objects, drawings, prints and 3D collage to track my thoughts and feelings throughout this cycle of development. However, in all of this chaos I try to let things flow naturally in a mediative fashion as this is when I enjoy art the most and has also been one of my conceptual morals for this project.
All sorts of single media drawings and illustrations
Showing a mixture of my styling and fashion promotion skills from when I Worked for a local charity between August - January 2023 as well as through apps for my own business over the past 5 years.
writing of all kinds poetry diary notes thoughts prints
Using a variation of analog media to begin with, I then transferred these artworks digitally to further edit them and eventually finalise into sample prints for commercial use
Various life drawings