Arts Thread

Industrial Design MID

Pratt School of Design

Specialisms: Industrial Design

Location: New York, United States

Po-Han Wu (Dwight) ArtsThread Profile
Pratt School of Design


PO HAN WU ArtsThread Profile

First Name: PO HAN

Last Name: WU

Specialisms: Industrial Design


My Location: New York, United States

University / College: Pratt School of Design

Course / Program Title: Industrial Design MID


With a keen eye for aesthetics and attention to detail, I am driven by a profound commitment to combine artistry and functionality seamlessly in my designs that ignite inspiration and joy in the lives of users.

Mesh Mat is an exercise mat designed with the size and color-coded blocks tailored to individuals’ body proportions to facilitate better exercise movement accuracy and fitness coaching communication. All the graphics on the Mesh Mat is customized. Using an algorithm that takes into account an individual’s body measurements, the generated graphics are accurate and personalized for that particular user to be used as a reliable spacial reference for performing different exercises. The color blocks also assist fitness coaches in guiding their clients’ movements, similar to the game of Twister. 3D pads are a useful accessory that comes with the product to assist users during exercises when the anchor points are out of sight. These pads can be placed on the designated anchor points, allowing the user to locate them by feel without the need to turn their head and look for them.