Arts Thread

Núria Perea Domènech
Product Design Program

ELISAVA Barcelona

Specialisms: Product Design / Design for Social Good /

Location: Barcelona, Spain

nria-perea-domnech ArtsThread Profile
ELISAVA Barcelona

Núria Perea Domènech

Núria Perea Domènech ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Núria

Last Name: Perea Domènech

Specialisms: Product Design / Design for Social Good


My Location: Barcelona, Spain

University / College: ELISAVA Barcelona

Course / Program Title: Product Design Program


Hi! My name is Núria Perea Domènech, I’m 22 years old and I’m studing the degree of Design at Elisava  (The Faculty of Design and Engineering of Catalonia).  ​

Since I was a child, I have had an attraction with the world of art and crafts, those who know me, always say that I am a creative, hardworking, and optimistic person.  I think that if I had to define myself with only one word, I would choose a Greek one: Meraki (Doing something with soul, creativity, or love. When you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing, whatever it may be.

I really enjoy discovering new things, setting me goals, and achieving them, or at least, learning from the process of trying. I consider myself a curious and restless person, and for these reasons I enjoy creating things and looking for ways to communicate to others. I like to work in teams because I consider that is a good way to learn, so...   Let’s start?

My final thesis is titled Segons and its name comes from a very special story. My cousin Julià was born on Christmas night 22 years ago, but unfortunately the delivery was complicated and for a few seconds he had no oxygen. This event shaped, without any doubt, what his life would be like, and 22 years later, this story has been the motivation to carry out this project. Julià has a cerebral palsy, and my goal was to create a product that would give him more autonomy in some area of his life. After a lot of research and a thorough assessment of his needs, we decided to focus on food and create a product that would allow him to eat liquid or semi-liquid food in an autonomous way. In addition, this product is equipped with thermochromic ink that tells the temperature of the content to the user. During the whole process Julià and I have worked together. He has tested everything I have created until we have reached a final product that adapts best to Julià's needs, which are, at the same time, a reflection of the needs of many other people in a similar situation to his. The user I have been working with is someone who has some difficulties that make him dependent in many aspects of life, so an essential requirement was that the result would enhance what we knew Julià could do well, which in this case was being able to eat alone through suction. To create this set of elements that are part of the Segons project I have worked with different techniques such as: 3D modelling and printing, silk-screen printing or prototyping. Most of these techniques have been carried out in the facilities of my university that allow us to experiment and create what we propose. Although I think I still have a lot to learn, in the future I would like to continue designing, without losing sight of this social approach, and enjoy what I do as I have done so far.