Arts Thread

nitsan zapler | tama FUCHS
Fashion Design BDes


Specialisms: Womenswear / Genderless / Formal/Couture

Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

nitsan-zapler ArtsThread Profile

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nitsan zapler | tama FUCHS

nitsan zapler | tama FUCHS ArtsThread Profile

First Name: nitsan zapler |

Last Name: tama FUCHS

Specialisms: Womenswear / Genderless / Formal/Couture


My Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

University / College: Shenkar

Course / Program Title: Fashion Design BDes


A colab of two 4th year students at Shenkar college of Engineering, Design and Art.

Pause and reflect, imagine a perfect world. How does it look like? Try to dig deeper, what does it allow? what does it ban? Who keeps the order and enforce the rules? Is there need for rules at all? Utopia, derived from Greek, meaning Nowhere; i.e- a reality that cannot be, anywhere. We believe that the perfect world, is one without men; where is men, there cannot be an utopia. The places that resemble utopia most, are the ones where human did not set foot - where the land is still virgin and wild. As part of our project, we tried to understand how technology went from a promise of a bright future, to a global disaster. Through the use of plastic, that is proven to appear in our blood circles in the form of tiny particles, we wanted to emphasize the human need to search, stab and preserve nature, rather than merely exist in it. In our collection, we focus on the fine line between utopia and dystopia; a romantic, fantastic reality and a synthetic one- made by mankind. We combined high-street and art to wear, between sense and nonsense. We examined hybrid motifs; natural and synthetic materials - side by side, ranging in color. The collection was made in collaboration of two designers: Tama Fuchs and Nitsan Zapler. It includes 10 female wardrobe sets, searching for utopic moments in a dystopian reality.