Arts Thread

anne-Sophie Haupt
Design Engineering Fashion BA

Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

Specialisms: Sustainable Fashion/Textiles / Apparel / Fashion Management

Location: Bremen, Germany

anne-sophie-haupt ArtsThread Profile
Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

anne-Sophie Haupt

anne-Sophie Haupt ArtsThread Profile

First Name: anne-Sophie

Last Name: Haupt

Specialisms: Sustainable Fashion/Textiles / Apparel / Fashion Management

Sectors: Fashion/Textiles/Accessories / Fashion/Textiles/Accessories / Fashion/Textiles/Accessories

My Location: Bremen, Germany

University / College: Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

Course / Program Title: Design Engineering Fashion BA


Hello, my name is Anne-Sophie.

I am a Fashion Design Engineer and Economist.

My latest Project: Art meets fashion

My latest project: My final collection. Art meets Fashion.

Hi, my name is Anne-Sophie. I'm a fashion design engineer and economist, based in Germany. Here you can see my recent work.

Here are some designs in motion I made at my university (Hochschule Niederrhein) in my experimental pattern design subject. Video1: Fashion Design: Anne-Sophie Haupt Models: Anne-Sophie Haupt & Rona Redeker Videos created by: Kevin Mohr Lukas Prangen Hendrik van Amstel See another video of designs by me and some of my fellow students: Video2: Designer: Sandy Tran @maybe.sandy_ | Eva Viola Emmermann @eva_emm | Josephine Burzynski @josinski__| Roxana Hu?nnekens @roxcesable | Julia Neumann @jules981 @jcy.jules | Leonardo Cattaneo @_leonardinho @ragazzopazzzo | Lion Busch @lion_busch | Laura Cholewa @laura_cholewa | Camille Schwarz @ kmijq | Burak Germiyanoglu @Burakdesigns @burak.grm | Antonia Dannenberg @a_dnnbrg @toni_dan | Elena Duarte De Almeida @elli1109 | Anne-Sophie Haupt @ sophie.welt | Mascha Jacob @maaesch | Chalin Hüge @chalin_huege | Lena Lauer | Mastaneh Amiri @ytsamastaneh | Janin Wehner @jwdes.ign | Nadine Gottwald @nadininuss | Corrie Schäfers @corrieander_ @photographybycorrieander Models: Sandy Tran| Josephine Burzynski| Roxana Hu?nnekens| Julia Neumann| Leonardo Cattaneo| Gia Phuc Trinh| Antonia Dannenberg| Anna Kück | Chalin Hüge | Anne-Sophie Haupt| Rona Redeker | Anabella Gálvez| Laura Cholewa| Maike Joeken| Nina Duarte De Almeida| Elena Duarte De Almeida| Aslihan| Janin Wehner| Nadine Gottwald| Camille Schwarz