The Nb Haifa School Of Design
Graduates: 2023
Specialisms: Fashion Management / Menswear / Womenswear
My location: Haifa, Israel
First Name: Siwar
Last Name: Nasser
University / College: The Nb Haifa School Of Design
Course / Program: Fashion Design BDes
Graduates: 2023
Specialisms: Fashion Management / Menswear / Womenswear
My Location: Haifa, Israel
Salome was a princess of the House of Herod, during a ball celebrated in the palace Salome is persuaded by her mother to dance for her stepfather, King Herod. Her father enjoys the performance so much that he decides to give Salome whatever she asks for. Salome is convinced by her mother to ask for the head of Yehonan the Baptist. The king agrees to Salome's request and brings her his head on a platter. Salome is described as a femme fatale - an irresistibly attractive woman who brings danger and disaster to the man involved, the femme fatale can be fatal to anyone - even saints. In addition, Salome is traditional and eclectic, which is evident in Regano's illustration "Salome and the Lotus Tattoo" Each side of the lotus "tattoo", there are two huge eyes staring at the viewer, revealing a reflective face, while Salome's "real" eyes are lowered. The "tattooed" gaze captures the viewer and supposedly blocks him from exploring the woman's body, and serves as an additional layer of protection against our voyeurs, and reptilian figures coil around Salome's inner thighs