Arts Thread

Fetnah Juscamaita Mardini
Fashion Design Diploma

Istituto di Moda Burgo

Graduates: 2022

Specialisms: Fashion Illustration / Digital Design / Womenswear

My location: Bologna, Italy

fetnah-juscamaita-mardini ArtsThread Profile
Istituto di Moda Burgo

Fetnah Juscamaita Mardini

fetnah-juscamaita-mardini ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Fetnah

Last Name: Juscamaita Mardini

University / College: Istituto di Moda Burgo

Course / Program: Fashion Design Diploma

Graduates: 2022

Specialisms: Fashion Illustration / Digital Design / Womenswear

My Location: Bologna, Italy

Website: Click To See Website


My name is Fetnah and I am a 22 years old 3D fashion desginer graduated in Milan, Italy. For these collections I used Adobe Photoshop in order to create prints and CLO3D to create the outfits and visualize them as realistic as possible.

This is a womenswear collection composed by 10 outfits, inspired by the meaning of "solipsism". “The belief that only oneself and one’s experience exists. Solipsism is the extreme consequence of believing that knowledge must be founded on inner, personal states of experience, [...]. Solipsism of the present moment extends its skepticism even to one’s own past states, so that all that is left is me, now.” -Blackburn, S. (2008). The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy (2nd ed.). The collection births by the meaning of “Solipsism” and how an individual can only be sure by its own existence. Can we be certain that everyone else is real and not just part of our imagination? “The Snake That Eats Its Own Tail, Forever and Ever. I know where I came from—but where did all you zombies come from?” -Heinlein, Robert. A. (1959). All you zombies-. Runway video: