Arts Thread

Frederic Kau

Hamburg media school

Graduates: 2022

Specialisms: Film

My location: Berlin, Germany

frederic-kau ArtsThread Profile
Hamburg media school

Frederic Kau

frederic-kau ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Frederic

Last Name: Kau

University / College: Hamburg media school

Course / Program: Directing

Graduates: 2022

Specialisms: Film

My Location: Berlin, Germany

Website: Click To See Website


Although Frederic Kau was born in North Rhine-Westphalia with Belgian roots, he has always felt like a true Bavarian ever since he moved to Munich at a very young age. That didn't stop him from spending a third of his life without lederhosen in England though. In his teens, he went to boarding school in the UK before studying political science at Cambridge University. Back in Munich he was then hired by Boston Consulting Group (a management consultancy), staying on his blueprint path.But when Frederic realized that shooting the company's internal image film was the happiest day in the jet-set rat race to date, he took time out as part of his quarter-life crisis and went to the sea alone. There he listened to himself until he finally had to admit: the boy has to go to the movies! He successfully applied to study filmmaking at the London Film School, for which he would once again spend two years in his second home, England. For his topical graduation film 'Rubberneck' he returned to Bavaria, set trucks, a German-British crew and a Belgian chip shop in motion. With the realization that directing should be the focus of his filmmaking, he specialised in directing at the Hamburg Media School where he was able to shot several award winning short films. Recently graduated, he is now working as a freelance director, pursuing his passion of telling entertaining yet relevant stories.

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