Arts Thread


ECAL University of Art and Design Lausanne

Specialisms: Product Design / Interior Architecture / Furniture

Location: Athens, Greece

charitini-gkritzali ArtsThread Profile
ECAL University of Art and Design Lausanne


CHARITINI Gkritzali ArtsThread Profile


Last Name: Gkritzali

Specialisms: Product Design / Interior Architecture / Furniture


My Location: Athens, Greece

University / College: ECAL University of Art and Design Lausanne

Course / Program Title: Master of Advanced Studies IN DESIGN FOR LUXURY & CRAFTSMANSHIP


Charitini Gkritzali is a designer and architect from Athens, Greece. She holds a Master of Advanced Studies in Design for Luxury and Craftsmanship from École Cantonale d'art de Lausanne (ÉCAL), Switzerland. In 2018 she also received a Diploma of Architectural Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and has then taken scenography classes at the National Theater of Greece. To pursue further her interest in design, she worked on high-end design projects for studios and firms based in Athens, Stockholm and Geneva.

Her design practice revolves around humans, objects, surrounding spaces and everything in between. Through her unique visual language that is defined by solid geometrical shapes, architectural volumes and harmonious colours, she aims to create stories that balance between the familiar and the extraordinary.

Deriving inspiration from 20th century orthopedic braces, “Topology of a body” is a series of body jewellery that closely conform to the human anatomy and resemble the body’s structural elements. Each piece is composed by solid geometrical shapes and organic curves that are created with stainless steel or copper wire. The thickness of the wire is altered in a dynamic rythm, highlighting the morphology of the body. This metal structure that is carefully designed to enfold the human figure, ultimately takes a sculptural form. Just like orthopedic braces, the jewelry is constructed in a way that allows the body to move, whereas it seems to hold it in a state of constant stillness. This paradox eventually raises a question: do these objects enable the movement of the body or restrain it?

Inspired by the fetishistic nature of collecting objects, «Voluptuous» is designed to reframe a brand’s iconic designs and transform the products into objects of desire. Sculpted in soft geometric volumes, each box is a monoblock formed from rubber or velvet coated EVA foam that complements and protects the product inside. Appearing light and bold at the same time, the packaging’s uncomplicated shape creates a frame for the objects inside. Elastic tubes hold together the two parts of the box, creating a feeling of tension that enhances the dynamism of the products. The same principles are applied also at a velvet box for smaller objects such as jewellery, and a paper bag in various sizes.

Following the project’s brief to photograph objects in a professional photo studio as well as in common interior and exterior enviroments, “Body Parts” aims to portray human parts as common unchanging objects. Each photograph narrates a different story. The hands, feet and heads become parts of sculptural painting-like compositions, urban everyday elements or familiar interior scenes. The body parts act as autonomous objects, completely separated from the rest of the body and intergrated in their surrounding space. The result is a series of images that a surreal but poetic element.

This project is a cinematic approach on the paradox of hotels: they occupy domestic spaces, while being in distance from everyday reality. Hotel Ornament is an extraordinary place for ordinary acts. Its spaces are carefully directed scenes that encompass the guests' activity, thus common actions turn into serious acts that acquire gravity and tension. Diploma Design Dissertation Sculptural volumes and archetypical forms extracted from ordinary spaces of everyday life -such as playgrounds- are mixed in an interplay of scale and perspective.​ The odd, at first glance, but deeply appealing compositions work as a stage for people that wouldn't have met elsewhere. Studio "Ornament" 2017-2018 Students: Charitini Gritzali, Anna Panourgia Supervisor: Apostolos Kalfopoulos, Assistant Professor School of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki